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Dear Child of God


​​​You're at a crossroads and although you are not sure of where you should be, you know you are not where you should be.  What you have is:

  • a job you hate;


  • questions on what your next move in life should be;


  • money wasted on courses, which didn't lead you to the career or life of your dreams; and/or


  • wasted years doing a myriad of stuff.  Although you are not sure of what your call is, you know that what you are doing is really not helping you to make the big difference you are called to make in the world.

STOP!  Is this the life that a Child of God should be enduring?  Remember His promise. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 That message was not just for Jeremiah, it's for you too!!!


For many years, I was in your shoes.  I did so many courses that left me with only clues, but not clarity on what my assignment from God truly was. Desperate to know my God given purpose, I sat down one day, created a formula, pulling together all I had learned, and within a few short hours I had it!!!!! 

Are you a ready to transform your life, by identifying God's purpose for your life?


I'm here for you and I'll help you if you let me in.  

Love Michelle.PNG



​​3 quick calculations:

  • How many years have you spent in jobs you don't like?​​
    • Mine was 9 years​


  • ​​How much more money could you make per annum if you were in that role that you really want? 

    • Mine was US$30k per annum ($30k x 9 years = $270K)  Oh my in writing this I just realized that money could have purchased real estate cash!


  • How much money have you spent on courses that have not helped you to thrive in a career you love?

    • Mine was US$20k​

If you do nothing, how much more money will you forego? How many years will you lose?


If the price you've paid is too expensive, and continuing along the same path will only increase the cost, then it's time to "Create The Purposeful Career/Business You'd Love!"  The first step is to know God's purpose for in life!

Media Appearances

Denvo & Kerry-Ann (Kiki) Thoms

Producers and Presenters of

The Real Life (T.V. Series)

Christina Whittingham

(Financial Advisor)

It is life-changing. Upon reading my purpose statement Michelle and I crafted, I was filled with tears... alot of it. It is really like having pregnancy pains for 9 whole months and then upon birthing your child the tears and joy that accompanies. Thank you Michelle. I appreciate you!!!

Time spent trying to identify purpose BEFORE a session with Michelle:  

2 years

No. of sessions with Michelle: 

1 session




1.  A more fulfilled life!

2.  Clarity on the next steps you should take, to have the life you'd LOVE in your:

  • career,

  • business,

  • area of study,

  • relationship and more!

3. Greater success in far less time.


4. Save money, by not paying the expensive prices of remaining where you are.

5.  Identify what careers or businesses will allow you to enjoy your way to being paid!


Value:  Priceless


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Romans 8: 28 says: "And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose."

Let's break it down:

1.  God does have a plan and purpose for your life.

2.  All things will work "together", not in isolation, IF we love the Lord and are called to HIS plan and HIS purpose for our lives, not the plan or purpose we chose for ourselves.


The value of living God's Purpose For Your Life:



Carline Porter

(Financial Advisor)

Time spent trying to identify purpose BEFORE a session with Michelle:  

2 years

No. of sessions with Michelle: 

1 session

Dwayne Leon


"Tun up" 10 for Michelle. Her knowledge, experience and passion for seeing and helping people to develop and grow will captivate even the most lost, unfocused person and call them into process of finding their purpose and jumping on the path of fulfilling it.

Time spent trying to identify purpose BEFORE a session with Michelle:  

6 years

No. of sessions with Michelle: 

1 session


Registration ongoing

in Oct. 2024

Daily Sessions Available

Daily Sessions Available

Starting Jan 2025

Starting April 2024


Will You Delay Your Breakthrough OR Dive In?

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